Interview conducted by: Dr. Sanaa Shalan
The Kurdish musician Delshad Mohamed Said is considered one of the most important Kurdish musicians of the twentieth century.
He was born in Dahuk in 1958. His early studies were in Baghdad then he became a member of the Iraqi Radio and Television Orchestra. He joined the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra. He completed his university studies in England then moved to Australia to live and work there. At present he works as a first violinist with a musical band there. He has a lot of important musical albums.
1 – Who is Delshad Mohamed Said the famous musician?
I'm Dalshad Said born in Kurdistan-Iraq
2 – Tell us about Delshad the man! What do you hate? What do you like? What are you scared of? What are your dreams?
I hate: oppression, unfairness, hunger and exploitation
I like: prosperity & justice for all humankind.
I fear: God
I dream: for a better peaceful day without war
3 – What are the components of your musical genius?
Talent, a convenient atmosphere.
4 – What do these things mean to you?
A - The Kurdish music: My inspiration
B - The Western music: My enjoyment & my basic construction
C – “Nerjes Nerjes” son:g Success
D – Love: Principal of life
E – Happiness: Our goal
F – Women: No life without her
G – Homeland: Self identity
H – Justice: The principal of humanity
5 – You have an inclination to mix the Kurdish music and the Western music, what made you inclined to do that? Have you been successful in that challenge?
Yes the use of western music with kurdish music was my ambition since I was student in the Institute of Fine Arts (I was only 15 years old). Being impressed by western music & its achievements, and knowing kurdish music since childhood motivated me to merge these tow types & without affecting the characteristic of Kurdish music consequently built a bridge between east & west, so the result would a sort of music would be accepted from both listeners.
After experiencing such an attempt in Europe & in Middle East, then it could be said that the main aim has yet been reached
6 – Where does Delshad find himself (His music)
I see myself at the beginning &there should be more work to do
7 – What are your dreams when it comes to music?
My dreams are: finishing my PHD study, finish my new Album, to establish music academy in y town Duhok.
8 – What do think about the Iraqi music at present?
The Iraqi music at the time being is strongly affected by the unsettled political & social situation there. What I can say generally is that Iraqi music could preserve their identity all way through.
9 – How do you see the future of the Kurdish music?
Kurdish music is relatively developing in producing more individual skills, but in music production as whole & introducing their own music unfortunately there is more has to be done.
10 –Who do people in the west receive the Oriental music in general and the Kurdish music in particular?
Generally western listeners see such musicunfamiliar but also interesting one, when an authentic oriental or Kurdish music is presented with its original instruments. The same music if it’s presented in anew combined form,off course without changing the main feature of the authentic music, then it’d be easier to grasp it & enjoy more.
11 – How is the Kurdish music distinguished from other music?
The Kurdish music has a very rich music treasury (folks Music) with various types.Despite there’re some structure’s similarities with the neighbouring countries, nevertheless it has its own specific character
12 – How is Delshad distinguished from other musicians?
Avoids imitations, own way of performance, own way of composition.
13 – Is there any institution that supports you officially? Or is it just individual efforts only?
It’s an individual effort, without any support from a country or an organization.
14 – Creative people usually suffer fromlack of interest in their support in fact.
Does Delshad suffers from that too?
Despite from what’s said, I don’t suffer.
There’s no doubt if one gets support from a government one can achieve more.
15 – What does Delshad say in his music? What is his theme?
reflect & try to describe the beautiful nature of my country and whatever inspires me.
16 – Where is the place of women, love, home land and the human being in your
Without them there’s no true music and
the answer No. 4 could also be used for this question
17 – What does Delshad think of when he holds his violin to play music?
It depends what sort of piece I play
.18 – How far have you gone in your project to open a music academy in Dahuk? Why did you choose Dahuk in particular?
It’s in a standstill situation. I selected Duhokfor the following reason:
· It’s my town
· It forms the center of the Kurmanci music heritage
They’re more in need at the time being than other parts.
19 – There are a lot of Arabic and Kurdish channels which use your music without your permission, what do you say about that?
I don’t mind for all of them to use my music, the only thing I demand & in some cases (not all of them) to mention the name.
20 – What is your latest musical production?
A new composition played with symphony orchestra in Belgrade-Serbian, and a concert in Switzerland, and I’m preparing myself for a new album.
21 – What is your own favourite piece of music, and why do you prefer it to the rest? Why do you prefer it?
There’s no preference of a work to another.
22 – How do find the reaction of the Iraqi audience and particularly the Kurdish audience towards your music?
Very positive.
23 – Do you belief that music is an international language?
No doubt
24 – Do you think that schools in the Middle East should start to teach music as part of their curriculum?
25 – Can music unite the world?
Somehow, it’s one of the best ways to unite the world
26 – A final word Delshad wants to say to his audience and his fans!
I wish if all my fans could hear live on the stage, and not only through CDs, Videos, or other indirect medias.